Advanced / Professional development course in Orthopaedic techniques

Course not running


In assessing a person's healthcare and well-being requirements, certain professions are of paramount importance - among these are orthopaedic practitioners, both for prevention and maintenance of well-being, and for treatment and future prevention. Together with medical specialists and physiotherapists, orthopaediatricians are healthcare professionals who can implement and deliver orthopaedic devices and educate patients as to how to use them, putting patients on a pathway to recovery in their area. It is therefore essential to keep abreast of new orthopaedic methods and techniques, always improving upon one's fundamental knoweldge that accumulates over time and gaining more professional experience, including abroad. These aid in acquiring skills that can be applied to new techniques.
In addition, orthopaedic companies need a management team who can of guide all their staff towards achieving effective, efficient results that satisfy patients' expectations. These days, management plays a crucial role in achieving quality results. Management teams now must be innovative, creating the right conditions so that orthopaedic practitioners and company staff are all part of a stimulating organisation that is both future-oriented and able to solve problems safely and effectively.

Course details

Degree type
Advanced postgraduate course
0 years
Degree class
CP - Advanced courses (university)
Supervisory body
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento e di Aggiornamento professionale in Tecnico ortopedico
Teaching and course administration
Operational unit Medical Postgraduate Specialisations and State Exams Unit
Main Department
Macro area
Life and Health Sciences
Subject area
Medicine and Surgery

