Advanced / Professional development course in Orthopaedic techniques

for Information
Office/Operational unit

Course not running

To see your indicative training path, select your registration year

Inserisci la matricola per vedere la tua offerta formativa nell'anno corretto.

Course curriculum: training activities divided by year of enrollment
Year Credits TTA Activity Academic year of attendance
10  - Area biomeccanica (BIO/17 ,MED/09 ,M-EDF/01) 2016/2017
20  - Area Teorica (- ,BIO/12 ,BIO/13 ,BIO/16 ,CHIM/01 ,FIS/01 ,INF/01 ,ING-INF/05 ,MAT/06) 2016/2017
- Area teorico-pratica 2016/2017
- Prova finale - Final exam (-) 2016/2017
13  - Scienze Riabilitative (MED/33 ,MED/34 ,MED/38) 2016/2017

