The IMMUNOLOGY SECTION is composed by: 1 Full Professor (presently on temporarily leave from work), 1 Associate Professor, 2 Assistant Professors with permanent contract, 2 Temporary Assistant Professor (type A researcher), 1 Graduate Technician, 3 Laboratory Technicians.
Since 1982, this Section hosts also the Complex Operative Unit (UOC) of Immunology of the Hospital of Verona (Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona). At the present, the UOC of Immunology is directed pro tempore by Dr. Giovanna Zanoni (MD) and composed by: 3 Hospital MDs, 2 Hospital Biologists, 1 University Full Professor in convention with the Hospital (presently on temporarily leave from work), 2 University Assistant Professors in convention with the Hospital, 8 Hospital Technicians and 3 University technicians in convention with the Hospital, 2 Secretary Assistants.
The lecturers of the section teach at different courses:
· Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery (Verona)
· Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Medicine and Surgery (Trento)
· Combined Bachelor's + Master's degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics (Verona)
· Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques (to qualify as a biomedical laboratory worker) (Verona),
· Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology (Verona)
The research activity of the section is mainly on tumor immunology as testified by 239 peer-reviewed articles (total impact factor: 2122.29; average of impact factor 8.88; total citations: 17.593; average of citation: 73.61) in the time line 2011-2022.
The lecturers of the section participate to the PhD School in Inflammation, Immunity and Cancer.
Other information are enlisted in the attachment Description of Immunology section.