Septic shock, Leukocyte recruitment, Cytokine, Oxidative stress, Signal transduction
Identification and characterization of novel V-ATPases inhibitors able to interfere adhesive and pro-inflammatory activities of leukocytes in in vitro assays.
Effect of V-ATPase inhibitors on rapid integrin activation and dependent adhesion
Effect of V-APTase inhibitors on chemotaxis
Effect of V-APTase inhibitors on generation of oxygen free-radicals (oxidative stress)
Effect of V-ATPase inhibitors on pro-inflammatory cytokine production
Pharmacological characterization of the capability of V-ATPases inhibitors onset and/or to reduce the severity of septic shock in animal models.
Effect of V-ATP-ase inhibitors on onset and progression of septic shock
Identification of compound-related activity, best dosage and toxic effect