Gruppi di ricerca

Epigenomica ed interazioni genetico-nutrizionali

- Study of the role of main epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation, both genomic and gene-specific in major chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The Epigenomics group guided by Prof. Friso established a very solid expertise in genetic- and epigenetic-focused methods mainly in the area of DNA methylation both genomic and gene-specific with a commitment to the identification of molecular mechanisms linking nutrients, gene polymorphisms within one carbon metabolism and epigenetics.
- Research to define the DNA methylation patterns of alcohol-related primary liver cancer to unravel novel epigenetically-regulated pathways. Epigenetic mechanisms are significantly involved in carcinogenesis and they are modulated by nutrients among which B vitamins, as donors of methyl groups, serve for methylation reactions including that of DNA, a major epigenetic phenomena in mammalian cells. One-carbon metabolism is also influenced by alcohol, a well-known risk factor for cancer especially of the liver, colon and our research work contributed to better define the underlying molecular link among B vitamins, epigenetics and cancer in rodent models and human studies.  Role of one-carbon polymorphisms on DNA methylation according to B vitamins status and cancer risk in human studies with a focus on liver and hematopoietic tissues malignancies. Findings from these studies contributed to define novel epigenetic and gene-nutrient interactions profiles for preventive strategies by ad hoc nutritional intervention.
- Study of the role of gene polymorphims and gene-nutrient interactions related to B vitamins in affecting the risk of coronary artery disease. The data opened up for innovative clinical perspectives by defining specific genotypes.

Simonetta Friso Silvia Udali

Simonetta Friso
Professore ordinario
Argomento Area di ricerca
Epigenomica ed interazioni genetico-nutrizionali Research & Experimental
Titolo Responsabili Fonte finanziamento Data inizio Durata (mesi) 
Effects of Aging and Folate on Colonic Carcinogenesis Patrizia Guarini, Simonetta Friso National Institues of Health (NIH) - richiesto 01/03/2007 60
Epigenetic effects of chronic alcohol consumption on colonic mucosa Simonetta Friso National Institues of Health (NIH) - richiesto 09/03/2006 36
JP2015 - Effetti epigenetici della biofortificazione con folati e microelementi in piante ad uso alimentare Simonetta Friso Joint Projects - assegnato e gestito da un ente esterno all'ateneo 01/02/2016 24
Meccanismi epigenetici e interazioni genetico-nutrizionali nelle leucemie acute Simonetta Friso Fondazione Cariverona 10/09/2004 24


